Not Fire Insurance w/Steve Connelly
by Not About Fire Insurance
Since May 5, 2020 19:38 UTC
I am member of the laity of the Episcopal Church. I have a passion to share that the Gospel is radically inclusive and far from fire insurance. The belief that hell is the main motivator for God or man is truly a twist of truth and thus a deception. It robs the Gospel of its saving power in the here and now.
I also have a passion to see God heal those wounded by toxic spirituality and religion. Anytime faith is used to control, it is no longer about God
The Kingdom of Heaven is among and within us now as well as the next life. Hell is above our pay grade to even speculate.
My faith has been informed by the blessing of having a Roman Catholic father and a fundamentalist/Evangelical mother. This has enabled me to see the beauty and some of the blind spots of both traditions. My home has settled in the Episcopal Church. Let us let God’s love transform us so that we can truly love God and our neighbor…and ourselves.
The Gospel is for all people.
God’s love and Spirit is poured out on all flesh, in every tradition whether we are aware or not!
Wanting to also mention that even if you do believe that hell avoidance is the main action of the Gospel, you are still my family in Christ. No need for us to argue, you are loved and not an enemy. We can quite possibly agree that in the end, we will be judged by Love and that is not something to fear.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
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