Message to My Kids
by Benjamin Norman
Since May 1, 2023 17:30 UTC
Every single day we are engaged in an eternal struggle between light and dark. Every single day the majority of human beings are giving their life over to the forces of darkness, the shadow, the devil, or whatever you would personally call the forces of division. These forces are actively trying to divide us on the inside, effectively sidelining us from the life we are called to, keeping us playing small and out of the game of sharing light and healing with those in need. Message to My Kids the Podcast is a podcast celebrating life in today’s modern world, while getting back to the balance between light and dark that God wants us to keep. Join Reverend Benjamin and Laura Norman on an epic journey through light and dark, masculine and feminine, creating relationships with our significant others driven by connection and passion, showing up for our children as empowered parents who meet them where they are and give them loving support and guidance, and deepening our walk in faith. Listeners are encouraged to write into the show by emailing and to visit our website at for a deeper dive on what we do and how we walk into the darkness your family is facing along side you, and show you how to bring the light, restoring balance to yourself, your relationship and your family. “Don’t fight the darkness alone. Fight together.”
Categories: Kids & Family, Society & Culture
Tags: legacy
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