Gin and Cake is a live-watch exploration of one of the most weirdly popular reality shows on television: The Great British Bake-Off or, as it’s known to us here in the US, The Great British Baking Show. In it, generally polite people compete to bake cookies and cake while wandering around a tent on a bucolic English estate, all in pursuit of — a cake plate. Absurd? Yes! Which is probably why we, like so many millions of other people, love it. In this biweekly podcast, we will comment, question, wax rhapsodic, and speculate wildly about things we could probably know if only we weren’t too lazy to look them up on the Internet. There’s also a bunch of baking trivia. And a few Star Trek references, because that’s never wrong. And we’re going to do it all while sipping delicious adult beverages, and we hope you’ll join us in that, as well. So cue up an episode, mix that drink, and have a listen. It’s Gin and Cake time!
On today’s episode, we celebrate the holidays with a special guest. It’s Joël! Doris is off on a well-earned vacation, so Joël has kindly stepped in to chat about the first episode of the new GBBO Holiday Specials running on Netflix. God bless us, every one!
We spend a goodly amount of time catching up, so if you’re looking for show talk, skip ahead to the 13-minute mark. But then you’ll miss musings about Mrs. Maisel, skin-singing, and a whole lotta mince. Why would you want that?
So, grab a mulled beverage, sneak a cookie off Santa’s plate, and enjoy Episode 36. It’s Gin and Cake time!
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Categories: Arts, Society & Culture, TV & Film
Tags: bakeoff, baking, british, Competition, cooking, GBBO, greatbritishbakeoff, greatbritishbakingshow, livecast, livewatch, Podcast, reality, realityshow