Dance Past Sunset
Dance Past Sunset helps people in the second half of life discover innovative ways to enjoy peak life experiences. Each show features a guest qualified to discuss some aspect of how to thrive as an older adult, including practical tips on freewheeling travel, living on less, caregiving elder parents, and how to plan in advance for end-of-life with dignity and joy. Join Brant (b. 1956) as he interviews an eclectic crowd of folks, from artists to authors, from entrepreneurs to engineers, from witches to wanderers, ruminating on the splendorous journey through modern aging, past death, and into the afterlife.
Categories: Health & Fitness, Kids & Family
Tags: ageinplace, aging, boomer, cemetery, dead, death, dying, ebike, Elder, endoflife, funeral, Healthcare, hospice, Independent, living, memorial, mobility, old, planning, scooter, travel, wheelchair