Reconstructing Healthcare: Innovative Solutions For Employers To Lower Their Healthcare Costs
Our Healthcare and Health Insurance System is broken. Healthcare costs continue to rise at the expense of employers and employees who often end up paying more each year for reduced levels of benefit and service. If you’ve had enough, then you’ve come to the right place. In this show, we explore what is wrong with the current system and examine what drives higher healthcare costs. We interview companies that are providing innovative services and solutions designed to not only disrupt the health insurance marketplace but deliver lower costs and better value for your employees.
Who is this show for? It’s for employers, CEO’s, CFO’s, HR Directors and Benefit Managers and anyone else who is tired of the same poor results that we continue to get from our Health Insurance and Healthcare System. It’s for those who are suspect of the same old answers for why healthcare costs go up and want actionable strategies to get better results.
Join us! Get educated and get ready to take action!