Stories … In A Good Way
Storytelling is an important cultural dynamic for many Indigenous people. Upon reflecting on what tools and resources would best serve and represent the Indigenous community in Idaho to build capacity for victim service providers, we made the decision offer these stories as a supplement to the Idaho Thriving Families webinar series that focuses on the Indigenous families impacted by domestic violence. The interview questions are based on the goals and objectives of the Idaho Thriving Families work plan as well as from input from tribal site victim service program directors. The questions also address the following grant goals: 1. Improve systems and responses to abused parents and their children from underserved populations through the integration of a comprehensive anti-oppression and social equity framework to achieve positive change in state governmental systems that impact abused parents and their children exposed to domestic violence. 2. Build capacity of the demonstration sites and statewide service providers to better serve parents and children impacted by domestic violence. 3. Enhance evidence and practice informed strategies, advocacy and interventions for children and youth from underserved communities exposed to domestic violence. Funding disclaimer: The production of this podcast was made possible by a grant from the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families. Its contents are solely the responsibility of the interviewees and do not necessarily represent the official views of the Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families or those of the Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence. Your podcast host is Tai Simpson, a Social Change Associate with the Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence. Illustration by Elsie Cree. Jade Stensgar-Mokry was invited to participate after Tai met her at a legislative reception. She’s young. She’s 18 years old. She’s proving herself to be an outspoken leader, mindful of her community’s needs. She carries her culture … a true matriarch in the making. The Idaho Coalition Against Sexual and Domestic Violence takes the stance of intentionally centering young voices. Inviting Jade was our effort to ensuring a young person’s voice was heard as we try to change our narratives when we work with Indigenous families impacted by violence. Support this podcast
Categories: Business, Health & Fitness, Society & Culture