Know Your Adversary™
by Nisos, Inc.
Since Feb 16, 2021 16:50 UTC
Know Your Adversary™ is hosted by Nisos, The Managed Intelligence Company. At Nisos we combine diverse intelligence expertise, tools, and technologies to solve complex problems and inform high-stakes security investigations for our clients. In this podcast series, we will show you how organizations can achieve attribution, unmask adversaries, and understand the context of threats against their enterprise. Our stories highlight real-life investigations – some well-known, others until now, not so well known. Our investigative stories revolve around cyber threat intelligence, supply chain risk, disinformation, adversary research and attribution, executive protection, physical security, trust and safety, fraud, and brand protection.
Categories: Technology, True Crime
Tags: Attribution, brandprotection, cybersecurity, Disinformation, executiveprotection, fraud, intelligence, physicalsecurity, supplychain, supplychainrisk, threatintelligence, trustandsafety
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