Listening to the Buddha – Michael “Mojo” Tchudi
by Mojo Tchudi
Since Mar 9, 2016 12:36 UTC
Mojo Tchudi has been studying and engaging in spiritual practice consistently for over 15 years. His formal education began with Daoist meditation and healing arts at Heartwood Institute, where he studied classical Chinese medicine, nutrition and herbs, and multiple bodywork modalities, as well as meditation and Chinese martial arts. While practicing as a natural health coach and tai chi instructor, his studies continued with formal yoga and Buddhist training under the personal guidance of experienced teachers, including Lama Sumati Marut and Mira Shani. He has participated in multiple spiritual “families,” lived in spiritual residential communities, and practiced several retreats, including a 30-day solitary retreat in his hand-built cabin on his family’s farm in rural northern California. Most recently he completed a Master of Arts in Buddhist Classics with an emphasis in Sanskrit translation at Dharma Realm Buddhist University in 2019. He taught two years of ethics and world religion at Developing Virtue Secondary School at City of Ten Thousand Buddhas in Ukiah, California—the largest Buddhist monastery in the western hemisphere. He is currently pursuing his second postgraduate degree, a Master of Arts in Clinical Mental Health Counseling, at Saybrook University. Mojo also teaches Buddhist philosophy and practice at Diamond Light Tibetan Buddhist Group. Mojo is dedicated to the helping professions, and enjoys teaching and coaching people one-on-one, in couples, and with small groups.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
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