Deepening Our Relationship with Hashem with Naomi Shulman
Since Dec 22, 2020 01:57 UTC
This podcast is based on my book ‘With All I Am.’ As a frum woman and co-founder of Chazkeinu, a mental health peer support organization for Jewish women, I have a passion for the place where mental health and spirituality meet. Each of us has our own set of talents, challenges, and personality traits – all of which can be used to build and deepen our personal relationship with Hashem. I’ve learned through my own struggles that our relationship with Hashem is a real relationship with ups and downs. Prayer can take many forms and doesn’t always have to be pretty – it just has to be real. In this podcast we will talk about ways to stay balanced and well – emotionally, spiritually, physically, and socially – as we grow in our personal avodas Hashem.
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Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Avodas Hashem, Bitachon, emunah, Hashem, inner-self, inspiration, mental-health, music, neshama, personal growth, prayer, self esteem, song, soul, spirituality, tefilah
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