Look At Me Now Podcast
Going through life from someone else’s perspective.
Categories: Education
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Going through life from someone else’s perspective.
Categories: Education
JSA Podcasts is your source for the latest news and insights from the innovators behind today’s top telecom, data center and technology companies. Topics include: -Best Industry Practices During the Covid-19 Pandemic -Digital Transformation-5G and Network Infrastructure-Network Security and AI-The Explosion of Internet of Things and Smart Cities-Sustainable Green Data Centers-Cloud Conversion & Scalability-Big Data & Real World Implementation Kicking off Q4, join us for our latest series entitled ‘Data Movers’. Telecom PR pro Jaymie Scotto Cutaia and top B2B social media influencer Evan Kirstel sit down with the most influential men and women of today’s leading telcos and data centers, supporting the network infrastructure requirements of our modern world. Hear the background stories, the career highs and lows, and the unique perspectives on the future of our industry from those with a direct pulse on digital infrastructure. If you are interested in learning more about the people behind our industry’s top headlines, this podcast is for you.Follow Jaymie on Twitter: @jscottoFollow Evan on Twitter: @evankirstel
Categories: Technology
Allegedly true scary stories and fiction scary stories. Some explicit content, mostly content scary and spooky in nature. ALL Stories have been narrated with permission from the author or they have been posted in a space that permits narration of the story.
Categories: Fiction, Society & Culture, True Crime
Tags: halloween, horror, horrorstories, nosleep, scary, scarystories, spooky, truescarystories, TrueStories
Get to know the real me, not the one you see on Instagram Talking about the relatable yet not so often shared parts of life
Categories: Society & Culture
I’m going to talk about my feelings and hope you feel like you’re listening to a good friend on the phone
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
This podcast is aimed at people of all ages who are facing important challenges or decisions and are at a turning point in their life. In this program, other people talk about how they have mastered such moments and emerged stronger from them.
Categories: Education
Let’s get into it! Is a story time podcast where two friends get together and tell their life stories. Usually under the influence to get the truth flowing this dynamic duo toe the line of hilarious misfortune and a serious need for mental self care. Come along for the ride, and let’s get into it!
Categories: Comedy
Since 1982, Colorado UpLift has been developing youth with a vision of building up new generations of urban leaders. But UpLift’s passion for leadership and community transformation doesn’t end with its students. Join Joe Sanders (UpLift’s CEO) and Brian Stamer (COO) as they interview leaders from across the Denver area to learn how they overcome challenges, what makes them passionate, and how they have become positive change-makers. Each episode will enlighten, energize, and equip listeners to make a difference in their own communities.
Categories: Business, Education
Tags: community, development, Education, leadership, nonprofit
two mics. two sets of ovaries. too much fun. … the get is hosted by Ivy and Rhiana, women of color who are committed to social justice, living, and being free. We are inspired by by LaVerne Cox’s concept of “possibility models” and the growing representation of marginalized voices in all forms of social media. The Get is our effort to take up space, to share our voices, and to encourage our listeners to do the same. We’re manspreading in the podcast world. Won’t you join us?
Categories: Society & Culture
Join former MAA President Deanna Haunsperger and Monthly Editor Della Dumbaugh as they explore the lives of mathematicians in this podcast to reveal the humanity of the discipline. These conversations will inspire others with their shared experiences of challenge and support, of doubt and devotion, and of isolation and community.
Learn about the life of the Beloved Prophet (peace and salutations be upon him) in English by Mufti Zahid Hussain
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Hella Black Podcast is brought to you by Delency Parham and Abbas Muntaqim. Over the next 12 weeks we are happy to bring ya’ll a limited series called Tales of The Town, which is a podcast about nearly 100 years of Black Oakland history! You can follow us on Twitter and IG @HellaBlackPod and support us on https://www.patreon.com/HellaBlackPod. We hope you all enjoy the show!!
Categories: Society & Culture
This Podcast is mental food for the soul. Each Podcast will uplift you mentally, spiritually, and physically. I share all sorts of inspirational things ranging from God down to – Should I respond to emails after I leave work? There’s so much in my heart and mind, and the intent is to share them with you as they may help put the issues in your heart at ease. There’s always GOOD food somewhere! Thus, Inspiration can be found in the most unexpected places.
Categories: Education, Society & Culture
Pastor Lekia has a call and gift to teach and encourage others through the Word of God. She is encouraged to encourage others to remain faithful in their Christian journey. You are not alone and God has called me to share His good news. Pastor Lekia purposes to share real life stories with the Word of God to help believers mature and understand spiritual warfare! FB: https://www.facebook.com/LekiaLPeters/ IG: @lekialpeters TT: @pastorlekia YT: @lekialpeters
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Monetize welcomes guests from all different walks of business to discuss their early days, the thinking behind their processes, and how they got to the top. It’s an honest discussion with business owners, influencers, and others that reminds us where all much more similar than we may think.
Categories: Business
The most significant societal changes have come from the alignment of passion and purpose. Welcome to P/squared hosted by serial digital entrepreneur and founder of Bright/Shift, Toby Stewart. Every fortnight, you will hear from innovators, change makers and thought-leaders who are on a mission to trigger positive change in the world. Exploring personal stories, sharing lessons and empowering others to discover and follow their own passion and purpose; that’s P/squared. To watch the video versions visit www.brightshift.co.uk/psquared. Follow Toby on LinkedIn, Instagram and Medium @tobyastewart
Categories: Business
We tell the stories of UC Santa Cruz, from bright minds, impassioned movements, and impactful research to tales of endearing quirkiness.
Categories: Society & Culture
Hi, we are Juan Fernandez and Cecile Munoz. We are fascinated by the intersection of business and relationships and how to thrive in your life. In this podcast, we explore issues affecting the workplace and how it impacts culture, interpersonal relationships, and how to grow as a human being. What makes us qualified? Juan Fernandez has covered some of the biggest stories in the Southland Los Angeles as part of the CBS News. His favorites include Presidential visits and the arrival of the Space Shuttle Endeavour and its final journey through the streets of Los Angeles to the California Science Center. Cecile Munoz is the president and founder of U.S. Executive Search & Consulting, a leading nationally recognized financial services recruiting and consulting firm. She’s one of a very small group of executive search firms owned and run by minority women working Wall Street investment firms.
Categories: Business, Society & Culture
Tags: adaptability, Agile, autopilot, Awareness, better yourself, business, change, cognitive intelligence, consulting, courage, cultural intelligence, Culture, development, emotional intelligence, empathy, ends with z, EQ, Equality, equity, Finance, Healing, human capital, human experience, humanness, improve yourself, leadership, learning, life experiences, mental-health, optimize your life, passion, Podcast, Politics, purpose, self help, Self-Improvement, social justice, talent, thrive, voting, voting power, vulnerability, well being, why it matters
Brooke, Jessie, and (sometimes) Kyle talking nonsense but mostly us talking to some really interesting humans about their passions. We’re excited to present Passion Punch – a place where people can nerd out about the things they can’t live without.
Categories: Arts
Re-think Retirement is an inspirational podcast for anyone in ‘unretirement’. If you are thinking about retiring, recently retired – or wanting to change direction later in your retirement, this is for you. On each podcast a guest shares their insights about this stage of life – honestly talking about some of the challenges but also giving you a vast range of ideas as to what you can do. Maybe taking your business skills to help charities tackle big issues; starting an art gallery; growing flowers for the wholesales market; a Michelin-starred chef starting an upmarket food wagon; mentoring younger generations or starting a business. Some people want to play with their grandchildren, play golf or turn their garden into a haven. This podcast is for those who feel that may not be enough and have an unsettling feeling that they want more after working full time. On Re-think Retirement, you will meet others like you. The hosts are Victoria Tomlinson, chief executive of Next-Up, and Trevor Hatton, Career Counsellor. They take you on a journey with their guests, sharing their own experiences and insights in the process. The Re-think Retirement podcast will help listeners have a positive view of life beyond your current career. You will be inspired by some of the amazing ideas that are possible – and have ideas about how to do them for yourself. And hopefully the tips you hear will help you avoid some of the pitfalls others have made!
Categories: Business