“Mikeadelic | Liberty. Psychedelics. Self-Empowerment” and similar random podcasts
Each week I explore big ideas through a psychedelic point of view with a core anchor rooted in cognitive liberty. My mission is to co-create spontaneous, authentic experiences with others in the flow of a real conversation that is emergent, organic and always thought provoking, inspiring, heart opening, raw, and real. I’m interested in all things that question authority, assumptions, and premises. I am lit up by big ideas, deep unconventional conversations, embodied experiences, community, humor, awe-inspiring art, and radical workings toward wholeness, connection and creativity. “You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.” ― Buckminster Fuller I aim to create the latter. I believe we are in a transformative phase where consciousness is evolving and we are here to know ourselves and each other more whole and deeply, like never before. We need each other, and we need real commit and support systems. I believe we have the opportunity to enter into a new phase of humanity where we are unleashing more creativity, art, freedom, through diversity, novelty and radical experimentation in social organization, and a re-shaping of our values and incentive systems. The internet, Psychedelics, and the principles of liberty have the power to change peoples lives for the better. This show aims to bring these topics, and more, together in a holistic approach. This show is all about changing the world for the better by authentically co-creating in community. Always Question Everything and Think for yourself. I hope you enjoy it, and if you do, please subscribe, share and leave me a 5-star ★★★★★ rating and review on Apple Podcasts You can also support this show for as little as $5 a month on Patreon.com/mikebranc Bonus episodes and a community discord server available + more goodies. Mush Love Find Out More on my website: https://mikebranc.com/ Email: Mikeadelicpod@gmail.com Instagram: Mikeadelic_podcast #cognitiveliberty
Categories: Religion & Spirituality, Society & Culture
Tags: #jre, addiction, Adventure, Afterlife, ai, alternative, anarchy, ancient, Arts, astral, awake, awaken, ayahuasca, being, Body, brain, breathing, buddhism, burningman, cannabis, chakra, chanting, civilization, classic, cognition, cognitiveliberty, Comedy, community, Compassion, consciousness, Conspiracy, create, creative, Culture, death, dimensions, DMT, drugs, duncantrussell, earth, EDM, Education, Electronic, Entertainment, entheogen, entrepreneur, existence, exploration, Freedom, freespeech, freethought, gaming, gnosticism, government, grimerica, guru, hack, hallucinogens, harmreduction, Healing, health, highersidechats, hippie, Hippy, Human, huntergatherers, illness, improvement, Independent, inspire, inspiring, integration, joerogan, journey, learning, Libertarian, Libertarianism, Liberty, life, love, LSD, magic, MDMA, meditation, mentalhealth, microdosing, mind, mindfulness, multiverse, myth, natural, nature, News, occult, peace, Philosophy, plants, plur, poetry, Politics, psychedelics, psychiatry, psychoactive, Psychology, psychonaut, psychopharmacology, ramdass, RAVE, reality, redpill, religion, school, scifi, selfhelp, shamanism, Society, soul, Space, spirit, spirituality, Stories, Technology, terencemckenna, theory, therapy, thestate, thoughtleaders, trance, travel, tribal, tripping, trippy, Universe, Wakeup, warondrugs, Woke, yoga
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