A Little Something To Talk About
Views about life from a 60 something woman of color Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jeannette-sabathia7/support
Categories: Society & Culture
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Views about life from a 60 something woman of color Support this podcast: https://podcasters.spotify.com/pod/show/jeannette-sabathia7/support
Categories: Society & Culture
Welcome to the Fret Dojo podcast with Greg O’Rourke – where we interview master jazz guitar players from all around the world. Get the insider secrets for the mindsets, practice approaches and tools that have taken master jazz guitarists to the top of their field. Make sure you check out our website FretDojo.com for more awesome resources, free jazz guitar lessons, and practical tips on how to take your jazz guitar playing to the next level!
Categories: Music
A community of travelers with special needs, asking questions and sharing advice on accessible travel
Categories: Society & Culture
Your Trusted Guide to Local Favorites! In each episode, Matt talks with a Locals Love Us business about how they started and continue to thrive!
Categories: Business
How to respond to life’s everyday dilemmas! Cover art photo provided by Tim Wright on Unsplash: https://unsplash.com/@timdwright
Categories: Education
Daily featured sermons from SermonAudio.
Categories: Uncategorised
David Kahn and Dominick Lorenz chat with various guests to discuss all things West Virginia Power baseball, as well as get into some antics around Appalachian Power Park.
Categories: Arts, Kids & Family, TV & Film
Tags: Appalachian Power Park, charleston, Minor League Baseball, Podcast, seattle mariners, South Atlantic League, SPorts, West Virginia Power
The book, The Great Controversy, written by Ellen White deals with the history of the Christian church starting with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. and continues right through to our day. It also outlines the closing scenes of this earth’s history and the principles that are at stake. What you about to hear is a dramatised audio version of this book, created by Nancy Hamilton Myers.
Categories: Education, History, Religion & Spirituality
Modern music, classical music… You name it. Jasper and Ian from MMC discuss music-related topics from the Baroque all the way to the latest and trending.
Categories: Music
Brian Fritz talks with a rotating cast of top wrestling stars, media members and longtime friends about the latest happenings in pro wrestling with their entertaining and educated insight.
This show is part of the Spreaker Prime Network, if you are interested in advertising on this podcast, contact us at https://www.spreaker.com/show/176385/advertisement
Categories: Society & Culture, Sports
“Dude, you can get past a dog. Nobody f’s with a lion.” – Grandma’s Boy “You notice things if you pay attention.” – In The Mood For Love Marcus Pinn likes movies. Scott Thorough likes movies. Marcus writes about movies (Pinnland Empire, The Pink Smoke), and Scott sometimes scores movies (Newlyweeds, Manos Sucias). They both have a background in hyper underground rap music, and enjoy sandwiches. Through a deep love of rap music, wrestling, and dissecting low and high brow cinema, Marcus and Scott developed an interesting kinship. After a bar conversation about movies where a stranger interrupted to tell them how much they enjoyed listening, they decided, “hey let’s see if other people want to listen to our zany thoughts about film”. “Zebras In America” is a stream of consciousness rap on film and anywhere it may take a conversation. “Zebras In America Opening Theme” music by Scott, scratches by Marcus. Logo created by DJ SNAFU
Categories: TV & Film
You may be interested in doing a DTS with YWAM Brisbane, you may have someone you love who is currently doing a DTS, or you may have someone you know who is staffing a DTS. This podcast will give a clearer picture of what happens on and during a DTS, what students and staff are learning, and an opportunity to hear stories from their time.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Kyle Meredith With… is an interview series in which WFPK’s Kyle Meredith speaks to a wide breadth of musicians. Meredith digs deep into the artist’s work to find out how the music is made and where their journey is going, from legendary artists like Robert Plant, Paul McCartney, U2, and Bryan Ferry, to the newer class of The National, St. Vincent, Arctic Monkeys, Haim, and Father John Misty.
Categories: Comedy, Music, Society & Culture, TV & Film
My podcast is about me and my past/current trauma. I plan on making this year my year of transformation and you can follow my progress on this podcast. We will talk about motherhood, being a nursing student, real life difficulties and heartbreak. Hopefully my rawness and realness either inspires or comforts you. Thanks for joining & listening 🤍 My insta is @shestaybeautiful 🦋
Categories: Society & Culture
Being knowledgeable about the unknown and not fearing the unknown. The more we know the more we grow.
Categories: Society & Culture
You’re not totally happy with your career (obviously!) You also know that there “has to be something out there that’s better.” That hope that you can find meaningful and fulfilling work, that also pays you well, has led you here! This is the show that provides the inspiration, tools, and roadmaps to move from where you are to work that matters to you and uniquely fits your strengths and talents.
Categories: Business, Society & Culture
Tags: career, careers, change, dream, dreamjob, happiness, job, jobsearch, sidebusiness, transition, work
This is for the areas in your life that seem upside down in each episode we will talk about strategy to turn it right side up. Turn Up in all areas of our life Body, Mind, Soul, and Spirit. Teaching on extending grace, showing love and giving hope to a dying world through the power of affirmation.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
A podcast series from ACAMS Europe – presenting stories about the people and topics shaping European AML today
Categories: Business