Now Playing: The Robocop Retrospective Series
by Venganza Media, Inc.
Since Jan 14, 2014 06:00 UTC
Robocop! The 1980s classic film spawned 2 sequels, 2 cartoons, and 2 live action TV series. Now this year Alex Murphy is being brought back from the dead once more in a remake of Robocop. To prepare for the new film, download Robocop’s history onto your iPod, and your brain, to hear Arnie, Stuart, and Jakob as they watch and review all the Robocop movies at! Robocop has been the star of numerous comic books, TV series, cartoons, video games, and more. His legacy is even worthy of a cinematic remake, hitting theaters in February, 2014. It’s quite the achievement for a character that no director wanted to touch until Dutch filmmaker Paul Verhoeven brought his ultra-violent, satirical aesthetic to the character. The film was originally given an X-rating for violence and decried for its gratuitous gore, but it was a box office success and became a cult hit. Now, in preparation for the new Robocop film, Arnie, Stuart, and Jakob look back at the original. Do the film’s sci-fi elements and cynical view of corporate America hold up today? Listen to find out!
Categories: Music, TV & Film
Tags: action, blu, blu ray, Critique, cyborg, drama, DVD, ED-209, film, Gary Oldman, horror, movie, Movies, music, OCP, Paul Verhoeven, Peter Weller, Podcast, police, Remakes, review, Robocop, robot, Samuel L Jackson, Sci-Fi, Suspense, television
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