Animal Heroes: Interviews, Stories, Dogs, Cats, Pets, Wildlife, Kindness, Adoption, Rescue, Animal Hero Kids
Animal Heroes is a podcast of feel-good short stories and interviews about Loving Life with Animals. Laurel Herman, inspired by her experiences meeting people through her own service dog, has recorded countless conversations with strangers about the power of the human-animal bond. Kids and adults – strangers no longer – share surprising glimpses into their lives. Laurel founded AnimalHero and AnimalHero Kids in 2005 to celebrate people who help animals, and animals who help people. All are Animal Heroes.
Categories: Kids & Family, Society & Culture
Tags: adoption, animalherokid, animalherostories, animalherostory, animalrescue, animalshelter, arttherapy, bedtimestory, cat, davecrawley, dog, dogtrainer, Education, interviews, Kids, kindness, kitten, laurel, laurelherman, Mindful, mindfulness, paulafasseas, pawschicago, pet, petcare, puppies, puppy, rescue, servicedog, Shelter, storiesanimalheroes, story, wildlife