Virtues of the Last Ten Days of Ramadan
A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Salem Morgan in which he explains the virtues of the last ten days of Ramadan month.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Salem Morgan in which he explains the virtues of the last ten days of Ramadan month.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
A lecture in English delivered by Sh. Saleh As-Saleh in which he shows the merits of the first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah month. It is a comprehensive lecture in which he narrates authentic hadiths related to these days’ merits. He also lists some voluntary acts that a Muslim should perform during those valuable days.
Categories: Education, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: days, dhul-hijjah, merits
God is issuing a Final Call to Repentance for His Church. It will be the Bride’s last chance to repent from indifference, materialism, ambition and selfishness and BE the Church Jesus Christ has called her to be. He wants a pure Bride who loves as He taught us to love and lives unselfishly as He taught us to live, for the sake of the Gospel and the final harvest of souls in these very last days. Produced by Vic Zarley and narrated by Eva Zarley. Special thanks to Kevin Macleod for the theme music entitled, “Impact Andante.”
Categories: Arts
Tags: ambition, bride, CEO, Christ, christianity, church, days, falselfish, harlot, heart, impurity, Last, minister, modern, organic, preacher, preaching, Prophecy, prosperity, pure, Purity, repentant, sheep, teaching, true, unrepentant
Enemies Within the Church
Categories: Religion, Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Baptist, Bible, billy, christians, church, crone, days, end, enemies, God, heaven, Jesus, kingdom, Last, pastor, revelation, sunrise, times, tribulation
This podcast is to invite others to join us in our exploration of The Scriptures, especially the prophetic passages, the oft misunderstood verses, and the messages that have been lost, twisted, or reinterpreted through the wrong cultural or historical context. We are miners, seeking to dig out the treasures hidden and lost in order to regain clarity on what the Word of God is really communicating from one page to the next AND from beginning to end.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
A Young Earth exposes the falsehood of evolutionary dating methods and reveals beyond a shadow of a doubt that we really do have A Young Earth just like the Bible states.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Bible, billy, Creation, crone, days, design, God, intelligent, Jesus, Last, pastor
Intelligent Design takes a look at the hardcore scientific data that logically reveals how all of life was intelligently designed implying an Intelligent Designer, namely God.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Bible, billy, Creation, crone, days, design, God, intelligent, Jesus, Last, pastor
Shows from the golden age of Radio. Each day there will be a different genre. Monday is Horror day, Tuesday is Western Day, Wednesday is Mystery Day,Thursday is Comedy Day and Friday is Scifi Day, Sat. and Sun. Vic and Sade Days.
Categories: Society & Culture
Tags: classic, Comedy, days, fi, Good, horror, MYSTERY, old, OTR, SCI, western
This study is not only designed to equip and encourage you in the truth concerning the purpose and proof of the Biblical Rapture, but to also motivate you in sharing the wonderful truth that people don’t have to be left behind at the Rapture.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Baptist, Bible, billy, christians, church, crone, days, end, God, heaven, Jesus, kingdom, Last, pastor, rapture, revelation, sunrise, times, tribulation
A Special Creation takes a look at not only the Scriptural facts, but the hardcore facts of science, reason, and logic to dispel this lie that we evolved from the goo, to the zoo, to me and you!
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Bible, billy, Creation, crone, days, design, God, intelligent, Jesus, Last, pastor
Sudsing up your iPod, Daytime Confidential is the first podcast featuring daytime Gossip, News, Rumors, Opinions and more for all your favorite soaps and talk shows. Humorous yet heated, the Daytime Confidential team debates the hottest topics and controversial storylines. From The Bold and the Beautiful to The Young and the Restless, and every “View” in-between, we have you covered. Each episode we dish the latest dirt and go in depth on your favorite soaps. Lather up your iPod by subscribing now!
Categories: TV & Film
Tags: all, and, Beautiful, bold, Children, days, general, hospital, life, live, lives, MY, of, One, OUR, restless, The, to, young
Each week, Gary Zupancic and Chris Doelle will sit down and go over all the happenings in the the Wimberley Valley.
Categories: Arts, Education, Kids & Family, Society & Culture
Tags: afterschool, Anne, Arts, butterfly, community, days, Education, Entertainment, Festival, hyperlocal, information, katherine, Market, media, music, networking, new, News, newspaper, porter, school, social, Texas, Wimberley
Listen to weekly sermons from the United Church of God congregation in Raleigh NC. We observe the 4th commandment to conduct a sacred assembly on the 7th day of the week to worship God and receive instruction in the word of God.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: atonement, bread, commandments, days, feast, Holy, of, pentecost, Sabbath, tabernacles, trumpets, unleavened
A live series of four 30 min. talks, given at The Boathouse in the Co. Down village of Groomsport, Northern Ireland – from April to June, 2002. Produced in Belfast, Northern Ireland, by Raymond McCullough, (the former editor of Irish Christian magazine, ‘Bread’), who with his wife, Gerry, directs Kingdom Come Trust – based in Northern Ireland. Raymond is also director of media production company, Precious Oil Productions Ltd. These four talks focus on our being built and cemented together as a body in Christ. The body can only function effectively if we are held together by the bonds of peace and love, which bind us to one another. Introduced by: Kelly McCullough Music: ‘Ar tir seo aguinne (Our Land)’, from ‘The great China Bike Ride’, by Raymond McCullough: (available on iTunes) Produced in Northern Ireland by: Precious Oil Productions Ltd, for Kingdom Come Trust. [itunes pic]
Sailing together – the fourth and last talk in a 4-part series on our togetherness in the body of Christ. God has placed us together like the crew in a boat, or like soldiers in a dugout – to work together as a team, as a unit – in order that we may demolish the gates of hell and liberate the captives.
Followed by a testimony from Jimmy – a former heroin addict sharing a little of his background and also receiving prayer.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: another, bands, Body, bonds, Buddy, building, cell, christian, church, Come, coming, days, end, Household, inspiring, iosa, issa, Jesus, kingdom, Last, love, mentor, One, peace, religion, Second, sermon, spiritual, stones, talk, times, Together, Unity, y'shua, yeshua, yoke
This series not only shows you the true history of dinosaurs, but it also shows you the true lesson of dinosaurs. That God is real and we really need to have a fear of Him and get right with Him before it’s too late.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Bible, billy, Creation, crone, days, design, God, intelligent, Jesus, Last, pastor
A podcast for Artist’s escaping to our craft and through our craft. More info at
Categories: Arts, Business, Music
Tags: 48, are, art, artist, Books, business, Calmplex, Comic, comics, craft, creative, days, design, Diary, drawing, Escape, great, hip, hop, Journal, Man, marketing, Mondays, more, music, no, PlexHop, process, sketching, thoug, thoughts, vs, website
The Final Countdown takes a look at 10 signs given by God to lovingly wake us up so we’d give our lives to Him before it’s too late. These signs are the Jewish People, Modern Technology, Worldwide Upheaval, The Rise of Falsehood, The Rise of Wickedness, The Rise of Apostasy, One World Religion, One World Government, One World Economy, and The Mark of the Beast. Like it or not folks, we are headed for The Final Countdown. Please, if you’ve haven’t already done so, give your life to Jesus today, because tomorrow may be too late!
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Bible, billy, countdown, crone, days, final, God, Jesus, Last, pastor, ultimate
Good Clean Talks podcast features guests from all walks of life, with conversations on a range of topics, from spiritual wisdom, to conspiracy theories. Our goal is to accomplish what the mainstream media has forgotten…To freely spread ideas and facts, to promote the idea that we should all listen to each other thoughtfully, and to remind ourselves of our responsibility to think for ourselves and to question authority. Questions, comments, or want to be a guest?
Categories: Society & Culture
Tags: abandoned, anxiety, apopka, centralflorida, chat, clean, college, conversation, dark, days, daysndaze, daze, discussion, dreams, Florida, gct, Good, goodcleantalks, life, N, Philosophy, Politics, psychedelics, questionauthority, talks, tower, twenty, twentys, walks, walksoflife
Intelligent Design takes a look at the hardcore scientific data that logically reveals how all of life was intelligently designed implying an Intelligent Designer, namely God.
Categories: Religion & Spirituality
Tags: Bible, billy, Creation, crone, days, design, God, intelligent, Jesus, Last, pastor