My Movie Collection – Zerbinator Land
“My Movie Collection” is a podcast about movies I’ve acquired over the years. DOWNLOAD: MMC Ep. 8 Trick or Treat(s) (1982, 1986) My buddy Doug McCoy of “McCoyCast” ( joins me as we discuss two movies: Trick or Treats (1982), and Trick or Treat (1986). We discuss our thoughts on the movies along with our “Halloweenishness” rating for the season. Enjoy! My special guest: Doug McCoy Doug’s Sites: … More MMC Ep. 8 Trick or Treat(s) (1982, 1986)
Categories: TV & Film
Tags: collection, Education, film, Fun, happy, land, mmc, movie, Movies, MY, Podcast, Podcasts, zerbe, Zerbinator